Autism Information

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Highly Unsaturated Fatty Acids (HUFA) for brain function

Highly unsaturated fatty acids have also been researched in regard to eye and brain function. 20% of the dry weight of a normally functioning brain and 30% of the retina in the eye are composed of HUFA’s not EFA’s. A nutritionally complete diet that includes a combination of certain fatty acids can play a vital role in the development of vision, co-ordination, learning ability, memory and concentration. So it is vital to get sufficient essential fatty acids from the diet to meet the body’s requirements.
This is becoming much harder in the modern world with the result that the body often must try to manufacture HUFA’s from essential fatty acids, a process that can be easily blocked by dietary and lifestyle factors including malnutrition which includes a deficient level of omega 3 essential fatty acids, a common condition.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Massage & Reflexology for Autism

Massage and Reflexology
Some autistics respond well to massage as a method to desensitise them to touch. For this reason it may be that reflexology could provide some benefit in autism.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

L-Carnosine for Autism treatment

L- Carnosine
Carnitine was first isolated in 1900 and is present in both human and animal tissue. Some of its characteristics include protection of various body tissues from free radicals including free radical damage to essential fatty acids found in cell membranes. Research has suggested that he could act as a protected against aldehyde formation created by sugars, yeast and proteins in which case it could be valuable in reducing the effects of acetylaldehydes created as a result of Candida yeast overgrowth.

One 8 week double blind carnosine study which included 31 autistic children conducted at the Autism and Epilepsy Specialty Services in Lake Bluff, Illinois reported that this nutrient may have antioxidant potential and could also act as a neurotransmitter. Using a dosage of 800 mg per day, the control group showed substantial improvement in behavior, vocabulary and picture recognition. 8
It has been theorized that L-carnosine modulates new transmission and affects all ion transfer of zinc and copper in the entorhinal cortex located at the front of the brain. The temporal and frontal lobes of the brain are responsible for control of emotion, instigation of epileptic activity, cognition, abstract thinking and expressive speech.

One anecdotal story from Chicago reported that an 8year old boy and a six year-old girl both had significant changes in behavior and other improvements with the use of L-carnosine.
The lead researcher of this carnitine study Dr. M. Chez reported that of the 1000 autisic children that he has used Carnosine with, he has seen a 90% success rate and improvement with improvements seen within one week to eight weeks of administration.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Vitamin C reduces symptoms of autism

Vitamin C
One double blind 10 week trial reported excellent results in reduction of symptom severity with the use of 1 gram of vitamin C for every 20 lbs. of body weight. It may be that this positive benefit was a result of the well understood affects vitamin C has on a hormonal pathway typically damaged in autistic children. One side effect to be on the lookout for when using high dosage vitamin C is an increased potential for diarrhea. 7
  1. Dolske MC, Spollen J, McKay S, et al. A preliminary trial of ascorbic acid as supplemental therapy for autism. Prog Neuropsycholpharmacol Biol Psychiatry 1993;17:765–74.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Candia overgrowth treatment - effective Autism treatment

Candia overgrowth treatment

A common symptom of many autistic children is gastric upset or problems with elimination. In these cases, candida levels are un- commonly high in their digestive tract and it is surmised that potentially the acetylaldehydes released during both the death and birth of candida organisms interferes with brain development and function. The primary reason behind candida infection is use of antibiotics often in response to inner ear infection in the young. It also contributes dramatically to food allergies due to an increased incidence of permeable gut syndrome which is a side effect of Candida infection. This condition affects the integrity of the intestinal gut wall which in turn allows inappropriate molecules such half digested foods and bacteria into the bloodstream eventually setting off an allergic reaction.

A strict candida program including probiotics and strict dietary measures along with the use of fungicides such as oregano oil, caprylic acid, grapefruit seed extract to name but a few can rapidly bring the candida colony down to an acceptable level.

Food intolerances sensitivities receiving their due respect as possible contributors to autism as a direct result of observed improve behaviours at removing certain food items from the diet. Is also been noted by researchers that abnormal peptides in the urine of autistic individuals is a much more common place circumstance than previously thought.
Is this as a direct result of dysbiosis, resulting in permeable gut syndrome due to candida infection?

Saturday, July 22, 2006

D M G - can decrease seizures in autistic children

Human and animal studies have shown potentially DMG can strengthen the immune system which is commonly malfunctioning in many autistic children, with an added benefit of potential decrease in seizure activity with the use of DMG. 5
While two studies reported no improvement with the use of DMG, one of these studies used only half the recommended dosage.

A more recent human double blind placebo controlled study involving 84 autistic children reported a significant reduction in many autistic symptoms including behaviour problems. 6

A similar product called TMG has been used by parents of autistic children very good results however there has been no published reports are studies on TMG. Essentially TMG is a precursor to DMG which then further breaks down to Sam E which is sometimes used to treat disorders such as depression.
  1. New England Journal of Medicine, 1982, 307, 1081-1082; Epilepsia, 1989, 30, 90-93).
  2. (Unpublished study by Drs. Shin-siung Jung, Bernard Rimland, and Stephen M. Edelson).

Friday, July 21, 2006

Magnesium as a natural treatment for Autism

There is some evidence that with the addition of magnesium to vitamin B6, a synergistic effect takes place which results in a greater effect in treating autism than if vitamin B6 or magnesium were used alone. 8
  1. MG Chez et al. Double-blind, placebo-controlled study of L-carnosine supplementation in children with autistic spectrum disorders. J Child Neurol 2002 Nov;17(11): 833-7

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Vitamin B6 as a treatment for Autism

Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 has been the subject of several studies and has been reported be helpful for autistic children. While the dosage was typically high for all these studies, between 3.5 mg and almost 100 mg per kilo of body weight, the consensus amongst most researchers is that 30 mg per kilo of body weight is an optimum dosage. Although no toxicity was reported in the studies, there is a potential for nervous system damage theoretically at doses of this level. One prominent researcher has stated that as a result of these studies vitamin B6 is in fact more heavily researched and validated as in autism treatment than are the pharmaceutical drugs that are commonly used. 1- 4
  1. Lelord G, Muh JP, Barthelemy C, et al. Effects of pyridoxine and magnesium on autistic symptoms: Initial observations. J Autism Developmental Disorders 1981;11:219–29.
  2. Martineau J, Garreau B, Barthelemy C, et al. Effects of vitamin B6 on averaged evoked potentials in infantile autism. Biol Psychiatr 1981;16:627–39.
  3. Rimland B, Callaway E, Dreyfus P. The effect of high doses of vitamin B6 on autistic children: a double-blind crossover study. Am J Psychiatr 1978;135:472–5.
  4. Rimland B. Vitamin B6 versus Fenfluramine: a case-study in medical bias. J Nutr Med 1991;2:321–2.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Potential Treatments for Autism - Scientifically validated

Potential Treatments
  • Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
  • Magnesium
  • D M G
  • Candia overgrowth treatment
  • Vitamin C
  • L- Carnosine
  • HUFA’s
  • Massage and Reflexology

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Other potential causes of Autism

Other potential causes of autism include:

  • Candida overgrowth,
  • Lack of glutathione,
  • Viral Infections,
  • Foods containing Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO),
  • A hiatus hernia that disrupts protein digestion,
  • Reaction to type A milk protein.
  • Environmental toxins.

Researchers have recently uncovered an environmental link to autism. Leomenster, Massachusetts and Brick Township, New Jersey both have a large proportion of autistic children in their communities and interestingly in both communities, the majority of these children are found downwind from factory smokestacks located in these townships. Several government agencies are trying to identify the link.

When all is said and done, it is very possible that more than one and potentially all of these potential causes are responsible for the manifestation of autism.

See our previous post on other theories of the cause of autism.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Gulf War Syndrome related to vaccines

Similar to Autism, The Gulf War Syndrome has also been linked to vaccinations and drug experimentation done on soldiers. It is interesting to note that, while military personnel from several countries participated in this war, only U.S. soldiers suffer from this syndrome.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

The National Childhood Injury Act - over 700 reported Vaccine deaths in 1994

Incidentally, there is much new research that suggests that vaccination does not work as a method of disease prevention; indeed it may cause more out breaks of disease than it prevents. The DPT (Diphtheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus) vaccine is perhaps the most controversial childhood vaccine. According to pediatrician Dr. Lendon Smith, nearly all doctors have seen whooping cough (pertussis) in children who have been fully vaccinated with this shot. Side effects for the DPT shot range from high fever, continuous high-pitched screaming, severe rashes, diarrhea, choking, apnea, seizures, mental and physical retardation, and in many cases, death. A study done by Dr. Michel Odent found that children receiving the pertussis vaccine were more than six times more likely to develop asthma than children not receiving the vaccine. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) was virtually unheard of until this vaccine was routinely given. The Japanese noticed this relationship and began delaying DPT vaccination until two years of age at which time SIDS disappeared in Japan. In the U.S., SIDS deaths average 8,000 per year. American babies still receive their first DPT shot at two months of age. Because of the extensive cases of vaccine-induced injury and death, and related lawsuits against the companies who produced the vaccines, The National Childhood Injury Act was created in 1986 to compensate families whose children had been injured or died from vaccines. From July 1990 to March, 1994 more than 34,000 cases of injury were reported, including hundreds of cases of brain damage and over 700 deaths. These numbers represent only 10% of actual cases, since according to the FDA, 90% of doctors do not report vaccine reactions.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Toxic Vaccinations as a cause of Autism

Toxic Vaccinations as a cause of Autism
Ingredients often found in many vaccines (listed by the Center for Disease Control website) include;
  • antibiotics (A child could be allergic to antibiotics)
  • aluminium gels (Aluminium will, when a silicon deficiency is present, cause the brain conditions seen in Alzheimer’s disease)
  • formaldehyde (Formaldehyde is a highly toxic, carcinogenic chemical)
  • monosodium glutamate (MSG is a potent excito-toxin which can cause seizures as exhibited by those people who are allergic, brain tumours, and more)
  • egg protein (Egg protein is a top ten allergen and could cause a life threatening anaphylactic reaction)
  • sulphites (Sulphites can also cause allergic reactions)
Interestingly, until a relatively short time ago, most vaccines used an ethyl-mercury based preservative called thimerosal until it was banned as being unsafe. This fact was never published on the CDC website. Some vaccines still may contain this deadly toxin. Mercury has a well established track record of toxicity especially to brain tissue. It makes you wonder what governmental health authorities were thinking when approval was given to drug companies that are responsible for the formulation of vaccines laced with this deadly toxin for public use for inoculation of newborns. The only conclusion we can come to is that either they are corrupt or incompetent or both; either way the safety of an uneducated and naive public rests in the hands of these unelected public servants.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Theories on The Cause of Autism

Theories on The Cause of Autism
Theories of cause vary from group to group and from researcher to researcher. As a consequence there is no true consensus as to treatment options or cause.
Some of the theories of cause include;

  • Illness during pregnancy for example rubella (German measles)
  • Lack of oxygen at birth
  • Genetic damage
  • Severe cases of childhood illness such as a whopping cough and measles
  • Vaccination in early childhood (this is a favourite cause for many groups and for good reason)

See our later post for more potential causes of Autism.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Early Detection of Autism

Early Detection of Autism
These are some of the red flag signs that are helpful in early detection of autism in babies;

  • No smiling or any other expression by six months of age.
  • No babbling by the age of 12 months.
  • No back-and-forth sharing of sounds or facial expressions between the baby and other individuals by nine months.
  • No attempt to speak by the age of 16 months.
  • No spontaneous attempts to create 2 word phrases by two years of age.
  • They attempt to avoid physical contact becoming limp when they are picked up.
  • They are often described as being either overly agitated or overly passive.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Symptoms of Autism

Symptoms of Autism
While the symptoms are varied from individual to individual, depending on the severity of autism exhibited, there is a group of symptoms that many autistic individuals have in common;
  • Super sensitivity to sound and sometimes to touch.
  • Often there's significant difficulty in relating to people, objects or events and or inappropriate reactions are exhibited. Acceptance of social contact can occur in higher functioning autistic children however they will rarely make the first move and if they do, it is often inappropriately exhibited in a repetitive manner while paying little or no attention to the reaction they have on other individuals.
  • Often there's a lack of eye contact or failure to respond when their name is called coupled with compulsive behaviour’s such as certain body movements like hand flapping or clapping and head banging.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Autism Information

Autism Information
Autism is a mysterious condition that inexplicably first manifests in early childhood and dramatically affects the lives of both the parent and child.  It affects 4.5 children out of 10,000 live births with research suggesting that it may affect as much as one-quarter of 1% to one-half of 1% of the population.  There are several different subgroups of conditions related to autism including Asperger syndrome, PPD (pervasive developmental disorder), Fragile X Syndrome, Landau-Kleffner Syndrome, Rett Syndrome, and Williams Syndrome.